Lindau, Germany during 28 June–3 July 2020
Exclusive opportunity for young students and researchers to attend meetings include lectures, panel/ round-table discussions with Nobel Laureates in Germany. Every year applications are invited by Department of Science & Technology, India. Interested Indian Nationals can check out all of the details on the same below:

Each year since 1951, Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine have been meeting in Lindau, Germany, to discuss major issues of importance to their fields with students from around the world. The meetings include lectures, panel/ round-table discussions on interdisciplinary topics and informal small- group meetings with the Nobel Prize winners. The DST has been sending a group of students/young researchers to these meetings, since 2001. It intended to send a group of Indian Students /young researchers to the 70th Meeting of Nobel Laureates & Students during 28 June–3 July 2020, which is dedicated to multi-disciplinary subjects viz., Physics, Chemistry and Medicine/Physiology.
Applications are invited from bright and young students and researchers in the above disciplines for availing this award. The lectures and discussions are at a level appropriate for students/researchers in their early research careers. More details of the meeting can be seen at
Terms of Award: The selected participants will be provided with International travel-related expenses, local transportation, lodging (twin-sharing basis) and boarding for attending the Meeting. It is mandatory for the selected students to attend the complete full week programme in Germany as well as briefing meeting in Delhi prior to departure to Germany. The Indian team of selected students shall leave for Lindau from Delhi (after briefing meeting) and shall return back to Delhi after the completion of the Nobel laureates meeting and the post Lindau Week. Personal or other visits by candidates to institutes other than the scheduled programme during the above period will not be entertained. The selected candidates will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation and transportation in Delhi for attending the briefing meeting at DST prior to the departure to Germany. The charges for accommodation in Delhi and 2nd AC train tickets from the nearest railway station from their places of residence to New Delhi and back will be reimbursed by DST on submission of the receipts/ train tickets as per the DST norms.
It is mandatory that the selected candidates should submit the reports to DST on the Lindau meetings after completion of the programmes and any information document as and when required by DST within the time frame. No escorts/ accompanying persons will be allowed with the participants and no request for personalized programme during this period would be considered in any case. The applicants would also not be allowed to withdraw the nomination after selection.
i. Only Indian science students (by citizenship) studying/ working/ affiliated to research Institutes/ universities in India are eligible.
ii. Engineering /Tech. students are not eligible.
iii. Indian students studying and doing post-doc/internship/or staying in Germany / abroad are also not eligible for this award.