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Dr. Deepak Kumar Bandari, PharmD, (PhD) (Europe)
Research Scientist, ICMR-NICPR, Noida.
Current Position: National
1) Project Research Scientist - Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida and Delhi.
Project: AccEEND TB, India.
2) Board of Studies Member - Master’s
in Clinical Research and Experimental Medicine, School of Allied and Health
Sciences, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad.
3) Book reviewer - BSP Publications, Pharma Med Press and Kakatiya Publications.
Current Position: International
PhD Researcher and Early Stage Researcher participant
Project: FIP 7 programme of EuroAgeism H2020 project, involving 13 European and Non-European countries.
Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) Participant, Euro Ageism H2020, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Europe.
Thesis: Polypharmacy and comparison of differences in potentially inappropriate prescribing in India, Ethiopia, and European countries.
Projects and Grants handled: - Project: FIP 7 programme of EuroAgeism H2020 project, involving 13 European and Non-European countries.
Grant: European Commission, FIP7 program Euro Ageism H2020-764632-MSCA-ITN supported by the scientific group “Ageing and Changes in the Therapeutic Values of Drugs in the Aged”, Charles University, Progress Programme Q42, SVV program 260 417.
Total Finance - 232 422,48 EU (Detailed budget - not disclosed)
EU Consortium: Israel, Czech Republic (CZ), UK, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Belgium.
Participating countries: Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Turkey, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, India, Ethiopia.
Collaborating Institutions: Alliance Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (AL), EMDA – The Alzheimer’s Association Israel (AAI), European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Euro Centre), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and World Health Organization (WHO).
- Project No. START/MED/093
Thesis: Rational geriatric pharmacotherapy, medication errors and clinical pharmacy services in long-term care.
Total Finance - 2,299,968 CZK (Personal cost-1,353,600; Mentor remuneration-40,000; Travel costs-361,000; Training costs- 120,000; Costs of non-investment equipment, materials etc. - 80,000; Overhead costs - 345,368)
Grant: Charles University, Research Unit “Ageing, Polypharmacy and Changes in the Therapeutic Value of Drugs in the AgeD”, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and World Health Organization, University of Zagreb, Croatia, University of Belgrade.
Previous Positions: National
1)Project Technical Support - III (Field Investigator) - Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, India.
Project: Strengthening the Monitoring of Tuberculosis Elimination in India - District Level Sentenial Survey (DLSS), India.
2) Associate Consultant (Epidemiology and Outcomes Research) - Bridge Medical Consulting Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
3) Team Leader - Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, India.
Project: National Sero-surveillance to monitor the trend of SARS-CoV-2 infection transmission in India.
4) Investigator (Field) - Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Chennai, India.
Project: National survey for the state-wise prevalence of microbiologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in India.
5) Assistant Professor and Clinical Preceptor: Vaagdevi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal, India.
No. of Research Publications: 18
Cumulative Impact Factor: 153
Number of Citations: 3000+
h-index: 14; i-10 index: 15
Awarded grants: Total 7 (International: 6, National: 1)
Achievements: Total 9 (International: 5, National: 4)
My Interviews in Magazines and Newsletters: 3 (International: 2, National: 1)
Scientific presentations: (International: 11, National: 8)
Book reviews: 9 (International: 2, National: 7)
Guest Lectures: Total 3 (International: 1, National: 2)
Editorial member and reviewer: 8
Certification courses: Total 10 (2 - Stanford University, 8 - National and International Organizations)
Countries affiliated: USA, Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic, The Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong and 10 other European countries.

International collaborative research: Early Stage Researcher participant in the FIP 7 programme of EuroAgeism H2020 project under Marie-Curie Innovative Network and EU COST Action IS1402 network aimed at describing main prescribing problems in rational geriatric pharmacotherapy in 13 European and Non- European countries (including India and Ethiopia).
Collaborating Institutions: Alliance: Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (AL), EMDA – The Alzheimer’s Association Israel (AAI), European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (EuroCentre), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Remarkable Achievements:

1. Award and Position: Early Stage Researcher (ESR) participant in the network of FIP7 EuroAgeism H2020 – ITN project, European Commission.
2. Reviewer: Acknowledged in Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine textbook, 23rd Edition, 2018; Elsevier publishers ISBN: 9780702070280.
3. Personal interview: “I expect the 8-star Pharmacist Concept of World Health Organization will come true in India in the Future” published in an International Magazine “Lekarnicke Listy”, March 2018, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
4. Best reviewer award: Textbook of Hutchison’s Clinical Methods 23rd International Edition by Michael Glynn &William Drake. Saunders Publishers, UK ISBN: 978-0-7020-4091
5. ERASMUS+ Student Mobility: Internship in various European countries.
A few other Achievements:
1. Award and Interview: Winner of “Ideathon” First Nobel Prize Series in India, Department of Biotechnology, India. Interview entitled “Pharmacist Nobel Prize Series: Science Impacts Lives – The Pride of India”, Indian Pharmaceutical Association – Community Pharmacy Division (IPA - CPD) e-Times 6 (2), March – April 2017.
2. Story of Success (2017): Published by Elsevier, as a part of the budding Medicos National contest.
3. Elsevier Student Ambassador (ESA) and Mentor’ for South Asia from July 2014 to June 2016.
4. Felicitation and award: Special Faculty Achievement Award at Viswambhara Educational Society Silver Jubilee Celebrations, March 2018, Warangal, India.
5. Award: Pharmacy Practice contribution award on World Pharmacist’s Day, 25th September 2017 for the successful delivery of an invited lecture on the Prescriptive role of Clinical Pharmacist in Ambulatory Care at Deccan School of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, India.
- I thank Prof. Daniela Fialova, PharmD, PhD, BCCP; Chair of the Horizon 2020 EuroAgeism FIP7 program; Head of the University Centre of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University; Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology,1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Czech Republic.
- Dr Akshaya Srikanth Bhagavathula, PharmD, PhD; Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, North Dakota State University, United States of America.
- Prof. Yamsani Madhusudan Rao, M.Pharm, PhD; Director, Vaagdevi group of Pharmacy Colleges, Warangal, India for their valuable guidance and support throughout my career.